Title of film : Black hole

Director Name : Diego Araujo

Cast & crew :

Producer : Ilalo Cine

Editor : Soledad Salfate

Cast :

  1. 1. Victor Arauz
  2. 2. Daniela Roepke
  3. 3. Marla Garzon
  4. 4. Alejandro Fajardo
  5. 5. Cristina Morrison

Synopsis : Between the temptation of the new and the familiarity of the old, Victor must make a decision The life of 30-year-old Víctor takes an unexpected turn when his live-in girlfriend Marcela announces her pregnancy. Instead of taking responsibility and assuming his role as a soon-to-be-father, Víctor spirals into a second adolescence when he meets Valentina, the bright but defiant 16-year-old girl who lives next door. As Marcela’s belly grows, the distance between her and Víctor increases, and Víctor seems to be digging himself into a black hole.

Director Bio : Born in Quito, Ecuador, in 1975. In 1998 he got a scholarship to study a Master in Screenwriting at the University of Bergen, Norway, and afterwards he went to Florida to get an MFA in Film Production at Florida State University. He worked as an editor for several years in New York while he developed the script for FERIADO. In 2012 he won the Tribeca Film Institute’s Heineken Voces award and the same year he returned to Ecuador to start making FERIADO, his debut feature.

Filmography :

  1. 1. PUSH IT! ( 1999 )
  2. 2. PAÍS DE CINCO (COUNTRY OF FIVE) Documentary ( 2002 )
  3. 3. LOLA’S DRESS ( 2003 )
  5. 5. FERIADO (HOLIDAY) ( 2014 )