Title of film : Smart City Blues

Director Name : Debarun Dutta

Cast & crew :

Producer : Debarun Dutta

Editor : Swarnabha Chakraborty

Cast :

  1. 1.

Synopsis : 15th August, 2015, brutal police force is unleashed on the slum residents of Shekhar Nagar, Indore. In hours more than 3000 people are rendered homeless. The combat between the civic administration and a waste picker community’s right to housing and livelihood continues today in the form of a long drawn legal battle, as the displaced adjusts to the new houses 16 km away on the fringes of the city lacking all basic facilities. In this revealing tale of the unconstitutional practices during resettlement, the film questions the very foundation of projects like Smart City and the plight of the poor and marginalized.

Director Bio : Debarun Dutta is a development communicator based out of Ahmedabad. He has been working and leading a media arts and human rights organisation called Drishti for the last 10 years. While in Drishti he has handled multiple creative roles like grassroot media trainer, director of Drishtis radio station, campaign manager and also in producing small films for social change for different organization. It was under his mentorship that Drishti made the national award winning film Goonga Pehelwan in 2015.

Filmography :

  1. 1. Smart City Blues ( 2017 )