Title of film : Sibel
Director Name : Guillaume Giovanetti, Cagla Zencirci
Cast & crew :
Producer : Marie Legrand,Michael Eckelt,Rani Massalha,Marie Legrand
Editor : VEronique Lange
Cast :
Synopsis : 25-year-old Sibel lives with her father and sister in a secluded village in the mountains of Turkey's Black Sea region. Sibel is a mute, but she communicates by using the ancestral whistled language of the area. Rejected by her fellow villagers, she relentlessly hunts down a wolf that is said to be prowling in the neighbouring forest, sparking off fears and fantasies among the village women. There she crosses path with a fugitive. Injured, threatening and vulnerable, he is the first one to take a fresh look at her.
Director Bio : Guillaume Giovanetti was born in Lyon, France, in 1978. ... It is currently being selected in Festivals all around the World, before its theatrical release in France and Japan in spring 2015. The filmmaking duo is currently developing their third feature film, to be shot in Turkey.
Director Bio : Çagla Zencirci was born in Ankara, Turkey, in 1976. ... Çagla Zencirci and Guillaume Giovanetti have lately completed their second feature film Ningen (Japan/Turkey/France), they shot in Japan and wrote in a residence at the prestigious Villa Kujoyama, Kyoto.
Filmography :