Title of film : Burning

Director Name : V S Sanoj

Cast & crew :

Producer : Ajayya Kumar

Editor : Praveen Mangalath

Cast :

  1. 1. Ketaki Narayan
  2. 2. Rukshana Tabassum

Synopsis : 'Burning' is a conversation between two young mothers brought together by strange and cruel social realities, at a funeral ghat in Varanasi. Facing myriad forms of patriarchal violence, they build an instant bonding and understanding towards each other while trying to strike a bizarre deal they were pushed to negotiate.

Director Bio : VS SANOJ is a journalist based in Lucknow. He is a regular reporter with a leading national daily and has covered sociopolitical issues in West Bengal, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Nagaland and Several other regions of the country.

Filmography :

  1. 1. Burning ( 2018 )