Title of film : THE OTHER HALF

Director Name : Prabal Chakraborty

Cast & crew :

Producer : Prabal Chakraborty ,Sandeep Rudra

Editor : Prabal Chakraborty

Cast :

  1. 1. Chandreyee Ghosh
  2. 2. Raj Sengupta
  3. 3. Priyanka Halder
  4. 4. Suchandra Choudhury
  5. 5. Niladri Lahiri
  6. 6. Anindya Ghosh
  7. 7. Koushiki Nag

Synopsis : A woman and a man are declared as joint winner for their presentation in the finale of a 5 day long business workshop in a city away from their home. The film traces the life of these two individuals on that night when they return back to their home. The film shows side by side the two lives - how the win of the man is celebrated by his family and on the other hand how the win of the women is not even talked about but made her to feel guilty for her absence from home for those 5 days. It depicts the privileges that the man gets on his return and on the other hand how the woman is expected to manage all the pending household chores even after going through the same grueling work schedule. However, at the end of the night, the woman do realize that the world is not fair, but she needs to continue her fight to demand her own place to celebrate her victory.

Director Bio : Prabal Chakraborty is a writer-director, from West Bengal, India. Though he previously earned an Engineering degree in Computer Science, he found his true calling in the world of film. It is an interest he has avidly pursued in the United States while he was working in New York City. After completing courses in film making and editing at New York University, he embarked on the journey by collaborating with like-minded colleagues in the New York City’s vibrant community of independent filmmakers. His films explore, in a natural, realistic style, the richness and nuances of human relationships. His previous short films got selected into a number of film festivals nationally and internationally. His previous short film 'Papangul' was an official selection at the 21st Kolkata International Film Festival 2015, India.‘Papangul’ also won the best short film under the “Home Grown Shorts” category at the Garden State Film Festival, New Jersey, USA in 2016. Prabal believes in the philosophy to be moved by something and trying with great futility to recreate it on motion picture to move others. He wants to stay true to his artistic philosophy by making films that he cares about rather than ones that will simply get funded.

Filmography :

  1. 1. Payback ( 2012 )
  2. 2. Affliction ( 2015 )
  3. 3. Papangul ( 2015 )
  4. 4. Rosemary ( 2017 )