Title of film : Sudden Meet
Director Name : Runa Chowdhury
Cast & crew :
Producer : Sudipta Chowdhury
Editor : Runa Chowdhury
Cast :
Synopsis : The story narrates the meeting of Abhi and Beni when Abhi is on his business trip. They meet after many years where they exchange their past thoughts and feelings for those past years when they were in a loving relationship. Meeting after so many years takes them both aback and in that small journey they share their good thoughts and feelings for each other. But time and tide wait for none. They both moved ahead in their own lives and one doesn’t have a second chance to repent if the either had taken a decision of his /her own gut feeling.
Director Bio : Acting & Direction Profile Summary Direction of Short Narrative – It’s a FACT (language – English) Direction of short feature ‘Leela’ Screening at 1st Haryana International Film Festival Sep’16 Best Actor Female (Jury) Best Editor Nomination in Best Story Screening in 2nd Pune Rising International Film festival Oct’16 Best Actor Female Screening in 2nd Indian Short film Festival in Nov’16 2nd Best Film Best Actor Female Screening in 1st Kurushetra Haryana International Film Festival Apr’17 Best Actor Female (Jury) Screening in 22nd Kolkata international film festival (competitive section) – scheduled in Nov’16 Screening in 5th Delhi international film festival (competitive section) – scheduled in Dec’16 Screening in 3rd Prayag Delhi international film festival (competitive section) – scheduled in Feb’17 Direction for Film ‘My Little Candle’ Winning the Best Actor [Female] Award in Pune Rising International Film festival on 27th October’15 ) Nomination for Best Actor [Female] award in Udaan International Film Festival May’16 Winning the Appreciation Award in Cineframe Short International Film Festival Dec’15 Directional Debut for Short Film ‘PARI’ Winning The Best Actor [Female] Award in Goa Short Film Carnival on 22nd February 2015]) Direction for Film ‘Upolobdhi’ Sound knowledge of film production . Exceptional artistic vision and creative skills Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Experience: Director/Story Writer/ Lead Actor for ‘Leela’ in July 2016 and screened in 1. 1st Haryana International Film Festival Sep’16 2. 2nd Pune Rising International Film festival Oct’16 3. 2nd Indian Short film Festival in Nov’16 4. 1st Kurushetra Haryana International Film Festival Apr’17 5. 22nd Kolkata international film festival (competitive section) – scheduled in Nov’16 6. 5th Delhi international film festival (competitive section) – scheduled in Dec’16 7. 3rd Prayag Delhi international film festival (competitive section) – scheduled in Feb’17 Director/Story Writer/ Lead Actor for ‘My Little Candle’ in May 2015 and screened in : Pune International Film Festival Oct’15 Kolkata TV News Channel in Sep’15 (Topmost news channel in Kolkata) 12KSFF Chitrabani & Kolkata Short Film Festival on 13th Dec’15 at Nandan Kolkata 4th Mumbai Short International Film Festival (MSIFF 2015) on 12th Dec’15 Cineframe Short International Film Festival Dec’15 Nashik International Short Film Festival Mar’16 Udaan International Short film Festival May’16 (Solapur, Maharashtra) Karad Internationational Short film Festival ( Karad, Maharashtra) Indore Short International Film Festival May’16 Director/Story Writer/ Lead Actor and performed as the Lead Actor for ‘PARI’ - Sep’2014 screened in : 11KSFF Chitrabani & Kolkata Short Film Festival on 2nd Dec’14 at Nandan. http://www.chitrabani.com/index.php/instructions-on-11-ksff/11-ksff-screening-schedule Kolkata TV News Channel from 15th to 17th Dec’14 Screened at GOA International Short Film Festival Carnival 2015. Please log on to www.goatalkies.in Gorky Sadan in Mar’15 Director/Story Writer/ Lead Actor in Film ‘Upolobdhi’ screened in : Kolkata and Chitrabani Short film festival Nov’ 2011-12 and other Kolkata festivals Kolkata TV News Channel from 5th to 7th Jan’15 Screened at GOA International Short Film Festival Carnival 2015. Please log on to www.goatalkies.in Performed as an Actor in Lead/parallel roles in feature movies ‘ Wridoyer Ekul Okul’, ‘Aparajita’, ‘Wridoyer Shabdo’, ‘Ajo Du Chokhe Tumi’. Lead character for Doco feature Jatin Das, directed by Satarupa Sanyal. Character play in Bappaditya Bandhopadhayay/Manoj Michigan’s “Hello Kolkata Kamon Acho’. Character play for Teleserial ‘Vivekananda’ (Doordarshan) Vocal performance Learned Classical Music(Kirana gharana) – under the tutelage of Guru Late. Sri. Sunil Bhattacharya. Performed with Nachiketa Chakraborty, Rupankar Bagchi, Saikat Mitra in teleserials and perfomed in other live functions. Released music album “ Pathe Phele” (music: Rajesh Roy) in year 2011. Won the Best Singer and Best Music for Song “Neelpakhi” in Haryana International Film Festival 2016 Education/Profession MBA in People Management & HRA. Currently working as an IT-Professional. Film Making & Direction, Music(vocalist) and Writer. *******************************************X*****************************************
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