Title of film : Pandit Usman
Cast & crew :
Producer : Akram Hassan
Editor : Satyajeet Kelkar
Cast :
Synopsis : When a muslim man undergoes a heart transplant, coincidently the new heart he receives is of a practicing hindu. Next to follow is a roller coaster ride, a comedy of error where a man from one particular faith is enjoying the best of both worlds after his heart transplant. Contrary to his new acquired idea of love and togetherness, people around him looks at him in contempt because of his new avatar and mixed practices. Set in North India, Pandit Usman is interwoven around him and his 9 year old son. A sweet light-hearted film with ensemble cast through the POV of a kid, Pandit Usman emphasize LOVE AND TOGETHERNESS as the foundation of all faith and belief while celebrating a GOOD HEALTHY HEART.