Title of film : The White Hell of Pitz Palu
Director Name : Arnold Fanck ,Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Cast & crew :
Producer : Paul Kohner,Harry R. Sokal
Editor : Arnold Fanck
Cast :
Synopsis : The film is about a man who loses his wife in an avalanche while climbing the Piz Palu mountain, and spends the next few years searching the mountain alone for her body. Four years later he meets a young couple who agree to accompany him on his next climb.
Director Bio : Arnold Fanck was a German film director and pioneer of the mountain film genre. He is best known for the extraordinary alpine footage he captured in such films as The Holy Mountain, The White Hell of Pitz Palu, Storm over Mont Blanc, Der weisse Rausch, and S.O.S. Eisberg.
Director Bio : Georg Wilhelm Pabst was an Austrian film director and screenwriter. He started as an actor and theater director, before becoming one of the most influential German-language filmmakers during the Weimar Republic. He is considered by many to be the greatest director of German cinema, in his era. He was especially appreciated by actors and actresses for the humane way in which he treated them. This was in contrast to some of his contemporaries, such as Arnold Fanck, who have been characterized as martinets.
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