Title of film : LIBERTAS

Director Name : NAMO SAFIDEEN

Cast & crew :



Cast :

  1. 1.

Synopsis : NAMO SAFIDEEN (Eskilstuna, SWEDEN, 1985). He had a relatively normal childhood with his parents and older sister. At the year of 2012, he started having recurring dreams about the exact same scenario over and over. Namo eventually came to the conclusion that transformed his life: This short dream would be an amazing film ending. He started writing down fragments of what he remembered. He gradually started to learn the structure and fell in love with it. Filmmaking gives him an open door to complete expression. "Libertas" is his first short film as a director.

Director Bio : NAMO SAFIDEEN (Eskilstuna, SWEDEN, 1985). He had a relatively normal childhood with his parents and older sister. At the year of 2012, he started having recurring dreams about the exact same scenario over and over. Namo eventually came to the conclusion that transformed his life: This short dream would be an amazing film ending. He started writing down fragments of what he remembered. He gradually started to learn the structure and fell in love with it. Filmmaking gives him an open door to complete expression. "Libertas" is his first short film as a director.

Filmography :

  1. 1. - ( 2019 )