Title of film : Tanakora
Director Name : Hamed Parizadeh,Maysam Hasani,Amirreza Rashti
Cast & crew :
Producer : Rouholah hosseini
Editor : Pooyan Sholevar
Cast :
Synopsis : a Young Boy who works in a second-hand clothing store, finds a special piece among the newly arrived merchandise; Roberto Baggio's shirt of Italy's national team in 1994 World Cup! "Tanakora" is a term used to refer to the second-hand clothing which is imported to iran from European countries. Tanakora clothing has its own special kind of market and customers.
Director Bio : Hamed Parizadeh Film Making and writing Born in 1989, Hamedan. Iran Graduated from the Iranian National School of cinema
Director Bio : Seyed Maysam Hasani Film Making and journalist Born in 1999, Hamedan. Iran
Director Bio : Amirreza Rashti Film Making and journalist Born in 1993, Hamedan. Iran
Filmography :