Title of film : A smelly affair

Director Name : Krishanu Chanda,Prachurya Patra

Cast & crew :

Producer : Self produced.

Editor : Krishanu Chanda

Cast :

  1. 1. subhendu ghosh
  2. 2. gargi das

Synopsis : A film of a smelly affair of a middle class family

Director Bio : A literature student,wants cinema to be a medium to express our thinking.

Director Bio : A literature student,wants cinema to be a medium to express our thinking.

Filmography :

  1. 1. Final colors ( 2012 )
  2. 2. Ekti olosh dupur ( 2013 )
  3. 3. sakkhatkar ( 2014 )
  4. 4. Sangini ( 2015 )
  5. 5. Fasir aager raat ( 2016 )