Title of film : The Desires of the Lost
Director Name : Neil Roy
Cast & crew :
Producer : Sean Banerjee
Editor :
Cast :
Synopsis : It is an archetype of the issues in the present generation compressed into one unit. Mental issues, the convolutions of the mind and how these issues seek suppression and hence the deadly use of substance and how from that point on, it's a slow painful spiral to an atypical nadir. The story deals with emotions, perceptions and coping mechanisms present in every human and shows us humans for what we really are. This is a story for all of us and every character in this story is in every one of us in some way or the other. The story talks about Victor, an aspiring actor, once famous in his college days and role model to his fellow students, falls prey to the substance while dealing with repeated failures and depression. How his life and close people seclude him and leaves him to disparity.
Director Bio : Neil Roy, is the founder director for one of the biggest talent management firm in East India. A corporate banker by profession, his involvement in the entertainment industry started when he started acting as a child artist.
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