Title of film : Who Says The Lepchas Are Vanishing

Cast & crew :

Producer : Films Division

Editor : Kaushik Das

Cast :

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Synopsis : Who Says The Lepchas Are Vanishing?’ is a documentary on the life and work of musician and dramatist Padma Sri Sonam Tshering Lepcha, a Sangeet Natak Awardee, and leader of the dwindling Lepcha tribe indigenous to northern West Bengal and Sikkim. Sonam Tshering Lepcha is, unquestionably, the backbone of the indigenous Lepcha culture. It is also the title of one of Sonam Tshering’s songs, written in protest against those who say that the Lepcha tribe is disappearing. Through the lens of Sonam Tshering’s life and work the film will aim to look at what the Lepcha tribe is – what makes the Lepcha tribe unique, if at all – and what are the traditions, cultural idiosyncrasies that are being lost but need to be preserved. Padma Sri Sonam Tshering Lepcha passed away on 30th July 2020. This is the last film on him - a tribute to the great personality.