Title of film : The Way To Paradise
Director Name : Wahid Sanouji
Cast & crew :
Producer : Wahid Sanouji
Editor : Bert Rijkelijkhuizen
Cast :
Synopsis : Najib, a young Dutch-born to Moroccan parents, completes his Bachelor of Laws on the same day his oldest brother is arrested for his involvement in criminal cases. Since that moment, his life changes radically. Vulnerable and on the verge of depression, Najib meets Brahim who proposes him an exit by guiding and accompanying him on the way to paradise.
Director Bio : M. Wahid Sanouji is a Moroccan actor director and producer living in Amsterdam. Wahid is the founder of Thespis Productions in Amsterdam and also the Art Director of Mediacteur association.He also got the ‘Ambassador of Tolerance’ award from Het Paleis van de Verdraagzaamheid in 2015 for his devotion and its promotion of Human Rights in all his cultural and artistic projects.
Filmography :