Title of film : Dance of the Forests

Cast & crew :

Producer : Sharmila Mazumdar

Editor : Animesh Bose

Cast :

  1. 1.

Synopsis : The film documents twelve rare tribal dances of Chota Nagpur Plateau that are near oblivion. The film unearths stories of the artists battling against odds to keep a little of themselves alive through the art, vanishing as fast as the older ways of life. Chhau, Naachni, Natua, Machhani, Shardul, Deheng, Shikar Naach and several other dances in the documentary are the true rhythm of the forest and this film brings the story from the artists who have been struggling relentlessly to keep these rich art forms alive. It is only in remembrance that the art lives and is a humble dedication to the cultural legacies of forests and its dwellers.