Title of film : Valli

Director Name : MANOJ SHINDE

Cast & crew :


Editor : Ajinkya

Cast :

  1. 1.

Synopsis : As a forced disciple of a Jogta–an outward female form possessing a male-body person, it took Valli a decade to learn that his true masculine self has been trapped in the garb of his highly marginalised and exploited Jogta custom. During this, Vali suffered several physical assaults, social mockery, and public persecution. He finally abandons his Jogta custom and escapes with Tara, living an equally miserable life. Only to get engulfed by the new realities of urban life.

Director Bio : Manoj Shinde, 1981 born, Symbiosis (SIMS & SLC, Pune) educated management consultant turned filmmaker. Following is his filmography: Written and Directed 1. Ballet of Drought (2017) : Marathi Short Film 2. Medicine Lamps (2019): Sixty minutes Marathi film 3. Pav Bhaji (2021): Marathi Short Film 4. Jogta (2022): Marathi Feature Film (In post production) Songs Directed: 1. Abhrekaram (2021): Hindi Song 2. Heeriye (2012): Hindi Song IMDB Profile: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8935165/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0

Filmography :

  1. 1. Medicine Lamps ( 2019 )