Title of film : Savitri Chya Leki
Director Name : Pushparaj Birhade
Cast & crew :
Producer : Pushparaj Birhade,Pooja Sangaonkar
Editor : Rahul Bhalerao
Cast :
Synopsis : The film is inspired from a true story which took place in the year 2020 in a town called kolad in Maharashtra. Film shows the resilience of 5 girls who belong to Adivasi (kathkari) community, where their parents work as daily wage labor for survival and travel from places to places leaving the kids behind with their grandparents or sometime, they are left alone on their own to manage themselves. The film revolves around the journey of 5 girls who wish to continue schooling and pursue their primary education but when they face challenges for their basic needs to go to school, difficult to raise their voice in front of family when their own family does not support the idea of them going to school and when all this was not enough, they face difficulties due to health issues, child marriages and the list goes on and on.
Director Bio : Pushparaj Birhade is a promising new voice in the world of filmmaking, bursting onto the scene with creativity and passion. Born and raised in Nashik, Pushparaj Birhade developed a deep appreciation for storytelling from a young age, finding inspiration in everything from classic literature to contemporary cinema. After completing studies in fine arts painting at Pune University, Pushparaj Birhade embarked on a journey to bring their cinematic vision to life. Armed with a keen eye for detail and a boundless imagination, they honed their skills working on various film sets, gaining invaluable experience in every aspect of the filmmaking process. Driven by a desire to share their unique perspective with the world, Pushparaj Birhade co-wrote and directed their debut feature
Filmography :