Title of film : The Velvet Queen

Director Name : Marie Amiguet,Vincent Munier

Cast & crew :

Producer : Laurent Baujard. Bertrand Faivre. Pierre Emmanuel Fleurantin. Vincent Gadelle. Vincent Munier. Olivier Pere

Editor : Vincent Schmitt

Cast :

  1. 1. Vincent Munier as
  2. 2. Sylvain Tesson as

Synopsis : Renowned wildlife photographer Vincent Munier and writer Sylvain Tesson venture into the high-altitude wilderness of remote Tibetan plateau with multiple cameras, in search of the snow leopard, one of the world's most elusive animals.

Director Bio : Marie Amiguet is a French filmmaker and wildlife cinematographer. Her work is rooted in environmental awareness and capturing nature’s beauty, often in collaboration with photographers like Vincent Munier. Amiguet studied biology before transitioning into wildlife filmmaking. She became widely recognized after codirecting The Velvet Queen (2021), which portrays an intimate exploration of the Tibetan plateau's remote landscapes in search of the elusive snow leopard.

Director Bio : Vincent Munier is an acclaimed French wildlife photographer and documentary filmmaker. Born in the Vosges region of France, he developed a deep connection to nature early on, inspired by the region's forests. Known for his minimalist and poetic style, Munier has captured stunning images of wildlife, particularly in remote and harsh environments like the Arctic and the Tibetan plateau. The Velvet Queen (2021), co-directed with Marie Amiguet, is his first feature documentary.

Filmography :

  1. 1. On the Trail of the Lynx ( 2019 )