Title of film : Dance of the Seasons

Director Name : Garrabost Donald Jayalakshmi

Cast & crew :

Producer : Garrabost Donald Jayalakshmi

Editor : Lorna Simpson

Cast :

  1. 1. Padmini Upadhya
  2. 2. Hari Mackinnon

Synopsis : Dance of the Seasons is an interdisciplinary project blending dance and film to address climate change. Utilizing Bharatanatyam, it draws inspiration from Kalidasa’s Sanskrit poem Ritu Samhara (The March of the Seasons), depicting India’s six traditional seasons. Dancer Padmini Upadhya embodies a deep communion with nature, contrasting sharply with today's ecological crises. The film intercuts with R.S. Pandit’s 1942 translation, written in solitary confinement during India’s independence struggle, adding layers of resilience and historical reflection. By juxtaposing past seasonal harmony with modern environmental degradation, the film underscores an urgent call for environmental respect and preservation.

Director Bio : G.D. Jayalakshmi, also known as Jaya, is an award-winning filmmaker, researcher, and educator with extensive industry experience, including 11 years at the BBC producing documentaries. She later founded her own production company to explore fiction filmmaking. Jaya’s work has won several prestigious awards, such as the Platinum Award at Worldfest Houston, Best Director at FICCI Frames, and Best Animated Film at ASIFA International for The Cat and the Juggler. Her films have screened globally, including at Cannes, Berlin, and with the BFI Spice Tour. Recently, her short film Going Home won at the Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards. Her latest work, Dance of the Seasons, a climate-focused dance film based on Ritu Samhara, has begun its festival run.

Filmography :

  1. 1. Going Home ( 2018 )
  2. 2. Dance of the Seasons ( 2023 )