Title of film : Miyazaki Le Esprit de la Nature
Director Name : Leo Favier
Cast & crew :
Producer : Loic Bouchet,Christian J. Popp
Editor : Mathilde Morieres
Cast :
Synopsis : This documentary explores the life and legacy of Hayao Miyazaki, the celebrated Japanese animator behind My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away. Over five decades, Miyazaki’s work has become iconic for its themes of nature, resilience, and environmentalism. Born in 1941, Miyazaki was inspired by Taiji Yabushita’s The White Snake Enchantress, which led him to pursue animation as a form of light against darkness. With rare access to Studio Ghibli archives and insights from his son Gorō Miyazaki, producer Toshio Suzuki, and others, the film reveals Miyazaki’s enduring commitment to reconnecting people with nature and life’s beauty.
Director Bio : Leo Favier is a filmmaker, web-series creator, and author whose work spans fiction and documentary, using preexisting material like archives, stock footage, and diaries. Known for his comedic storytelling strategies, Favier’s films are produced by Les Films Sauvages and Les Bons Clients Paris, and he also undertakes commissioned projects for cultural institutions and editorial design. He is a member of POC, a network for contemporary images, and co-founder of the magazine project Wandertag. Inspired by Hayao Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke since 2000, Favier now shares Miyazaki’s work, like My Neighbor Totoro, with his own children. His upcoming project, L’esprit de la nature, combines Miyazaki’s biography with reflections from biologists, philosophers, and anthropologists on humanity’s relationship with nature amidst global crises.
Filmography :