Title of film : Beyond Thirteen Rivers
Director Name : Barin Saha
Cast & crew :
Producer : NA
Editor : NA
Cast :
Synopsis : A quiet and intimate Bengali story set in a travelling circus prey to the pressures of commercialism. A clown (Mukherjee) resists the privileging of crowd-pleasing dancing-girls in the circus programme and resents the arrival of a new dancer (Hazarika).
Director Bio : Born in Kolkata and an alumnus of Vidyasagar College, Barin wanted to study abroad and had applied in different courses. Finally, he had enrolled at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Cinematographiques in France and studied direction and editing there. Thereafter, he studied cinematography in Rome's Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografi. As a film school student, he had seen the likes of Jean Renoir and Vittorio De Sica drop by. He had also tried working in the UK and Greece before returning to India. In 1959, he began shooting Tero Nodir Pare. After completion, the film did not get an Indian release for nine years. He directed another Bengali short film titled Shanibar with Badal Sircar in the cast.
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