Title of film : Kalikotha Kolikata

Cast & crew :

Producer : Tenth Dimension,Kalyani Solvex

Editor : Rezwan Rabbani Sheikh ,Asis Ray chowdhury

Cast :

  1. 1. Rizwan Rabbani Sheikh
  2. 2. Alexandra Taylor

Synopsis : A European-born young woman arrives in Calcutta, India,in search of her own prey. She hired a taxi from Calcutta station and asked the taxi driver to guide her to the famous Kali temple in Kolkata. The driver showed the girl around various Kali temples, as he was educatee and had knowledge in kolkata related history. Then the European girl met the boy's sister. The young woman considered both her brothers and sisters as her friends and well-wishers. Before finally returning to her country, the young lady told the driver the reason of her visit in this city. The boy is surprised to know that shocking information. The young lady also says that she came to find her ancestral connection, but was overwhelmed to find a new relationship or bonding. Buy finally will She retuned to her country with memories of new human bonding, rich heritage of kolkata and compassion or will settle back here with new roots.