Title of film : Turkey Jeanne

Director Name : Pauline Ouvrard

Cast & crew :

Producer : Jeanne Ezvan,Marthe Lamy

Editor : Audrey Bauduin

Cast :

  1. 1. Chloe Lefray as
  2. 2. Anne Benoit as
  3. 3. Sirin Benaha as

Synopsis : Thirteen-year-old Jeanne struggles with the tension between innocence and growing up. Her only friend, a turkey living in her garden, which repeatedly warns her that maturing means betrayal. As she enters high school and meets Laurène, her perspective shifts, sparking a desire to explore new aspects of herself. Through her friendship with the turkey, Jeanne’s journey captures a whimsical yet poignant take on self-discovery and adolescence.

Director Bio : Pauline Ouvrard is a French filmmaker based in Saint-Nazaire. She specializes in surreal and symbolic cinema, exploring human nature and relationships, especially during adolescence. Turkey Jeanne (2023) is her best-known work, selected for over 20 festivals and winning the Méliès d’Argent award at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival. Ouvrard actively mentors young filmmakers and contributes to film schools and workshops.

Filmography :

  1. 1. Son of the Wolf ( 2015 )