Title of film : Parikrama La storia di Lala
Director Name : Goutam Ghose
Cast & crew :
Producer : Sergio Scapagnini,Amedeo Pagani,Sandeep S Donde, Shardul S Donde,Jitendra Adappa,Sukankan Roy
Editor : Niladri Roy
Cast :
Synopsis : Parikrama follows Alessandro, an Italian filmmaker focused on environmental issues, and Lala, a young Indian boy displaced from his village by a dam. Alessandro embarks on a journey along the sacred Narmada River, accompanied by his crew and his son Francesco. Along the way, he encounters Lala, who, like Francesco, has experienced loss—Francesco without his mother and Lala without his homeland. Their stories, rooted in environmental and personal displacement, intertwine as Alessandro’s perspective shifts, inspired by the river and Lala’s resilience. This poignant narrative explores themes of identity, family, and the enduring impact of displacement.
Director Bio : Goutam Ghose, born on July 24, 1950, in Calcutta, is a celebrated Indian filmmaker, actor, music director, and cinematographer, primarily working in Bengali cinema. Known for his impactful documentaries and feature films, he began his career in 1973 with New Earth and Hungry Autumn. Influenced by cinematic legends like Akira Kurosawa and Satyajit Ray, Ghose’s work is marked by a commitment to social issues and artistry. His acclaimed films Padma Nadir Majhi, Kaalbela, and Moner Manush brought him into the limelight. Among his numerous honors, he received Italy’s prestigious Vittorio Di Sica Award in 1997 and the Knighthood of the Star of the Italian Solidarity in 2006.
Filmography :