Title of film : Pidayi
Director Name : Santhosh Mada
Cast & crew :
Producer : Suresh Krishnamurthy
Editor : Suresh Urs
Cast :
Synopsis : "Pidayi," a Tulu film directed by Santosh Mada and produced by Suresh K in the banner NammaKanasu, explores social reformation and women's dignity. The story centers on Bhojanna, a revered priest in a Coastal Karnataka village. When his younger son marries Narayani (Nani), an educated woman from a nuclear family, tensions arise due to traditional practices, especially those related to menstruation. Narayani challenges these norms, causing discomfort and affecting Bhojanna's temple rituals. The film unfolds as Bhojanna grapples with the situation, ultimately bringing about revolutionary changes in the household.
Director Bio : Santhosh Mada was born to Shambhu Nambudiri and Saraswathy. He was born and brought up in Mangalore in South Karnataka, India and did his school and college education there. His first directorial venture Jeetige won the National Award for the best film in Tulu category. He directed Mogajjana Koli in 2022. Mogajjana Koli is the first film in Arebhashe, a dialect of Kannada spoken by Gowda and other communities. In the film Pidayi, Santhosh is addressing a social concern which is associated with the menstrual cycles of women in Indian traditional communities.
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