Title of film : Looms and Life

Director Name : Ningthouja Lancha

Cast & crew :

Producer : Directorate of Handlooms and Textiles Govt. of Manipur

Editor : Tarun Mangang

Cast :

  1. 1. Lanjen Lancha
  2. 2. Chaoba Devi
  3. 3. Aribam ongbi
  4. 4. Aribam Dolly
  5. 5. Abemma Roshni
  6. 6. Tombi Lulu
  7. 7. Martin Samson Ibungo
  8. 8. Bidyaluxmi Tombi
  9. 9. Kajal Khwairakpam

Synopsis : The film blends historical and contemporary perspectives, featuring indigenous fabrics and designs to showcase cultural origins. It portrays the poetic and cultural significance of pre-cotton and cotton weaving, highlighting women's role in Manipuri society through their craft.

Director Bio : NA

Filmography :

  1. 1. NA ( NA )