Title of film : In Retreat

Director Name : Maisam Ali

Cast & crew :

Producer : Saroj Kherotia,Thanikachalam SA

Editor : Maisam Ali Raghvender Vippuganti

Cast :

  1. 1. Harish Khanna

Synopsis : Somewhere between the end of autumn and the start of winter, the absent one returns home to a small town in the mountains. Now in his 50s, always away and late, having missed his brother’s funeral, he lingers at the threshold of the old home - what else can he attain other than delaying one more night of his arrival.

Director Bio : Born in Iran, and hailing from the Himalayan region of Ladakh, Maisam Ali is a graduate of the Film & Television Institute of India (FTII). His debut feature In Retreat World Premiered at the Cannes Film Festival 2024, India’s first-ever film in the ACID Cannes section. And is in the Main Competition of the Galway Film Fleadh 2024, in Ireland, and Busan IFF and Sao Paulo IFF. His short films have been screened in France, USA, UAE, and in India. As a filmmaker, Maisam Ali deals with the themes of home, belonging, journey and the sense of disconnect.

Filmography :

  1. 1. Door Sham Tak (Far in Night) ( 2018 )
  2. 2. A Visit to Mourners' Alley ( 2017 )